Reflect when products will ship, not just saying "Out of stock"
Cart availability currently offers 3 statuses: In Stock, Out of stock and Partial.
When an item is fully in stock but can't ship for more than a day later than the requested delivery date, it is shown as "Out of stock".
Most ecommerce sites show something like "Ships no later than" or "Expected ship date".
It would be good if we could differentiate between a product that is really out-of-stock versus one that simply has a delayed ship date.
Admincarrie.bevilacqua (Admin, Corevist) commented
Add the line-level confirmed schedule line date as a column in the cart based on the existing availability configuration. Allow dynamic adjustment of the column.
John Richards commented
A more realistic comment or comments is required to reflect actual inventory.
Matt Collins commented
An accurate comment is valuable in our business and to our customers.