Propose payer numbers on the invoice search based on the selected soldto
Given that I have chosen a soldto or shipto in the CSR bar as a CSR, I want to easily view invoices for the payer(s) of this customer.
Currently, the Search for Invoice page does not default the payer.
This is a problem because we do not always know the payer for a soldto. Even using the search-by-name popup may not bring me the correct payer.
In many cases, it is the same number as the soldto. Even in this case, it is annoying to have to type in this 10 digit number.
Once a customer number has been entered into the CSR bar, it seems that 99% of the time a user clicks on "Invoices", they should not need to type or search for the payer of that soldto or shipto.
Ideally, the payer would be defaulted and if the soldto has multiple payers, the dropdown would offer all payers. However, there is also the case where a CSR is trying to search for documents for a totally different payer and may need the freedom to type in a totally different payer number or use the payer search to find a payer number.
This also corresponds to this idea: