Enhance batch order import process to handle CSV files with no header row
We’d like to enhance the NCC batch order import process to be able to successfully handle files consistent with the format used in the older CCC Corevist platform, basically a similar file format but with no header row.
Added context:
• We don’t want to change existing functionality. So, the current NCC CSV file template, including headers, should continue to work as expected.
• Attached is an example of the CSV file format used within the older CCC system.
• At a minimum, enabling both file formats to work (current NCC format and older CCC format) will help to ensure smoother transitions from the older platform to the NCC format for customers migrating. We also have customers who have standardized the older format into their processes and enabling the older CCC format just takes a burden off them to implement changes.
Adminabdullah.halawa (Admin, Corevist) commented
The main difference between CSV file that CCC accepts and NCC doesn't, is the header. NCC requires a header. The ask is for NCC (or at least OTE's) to ignore headers and assume first column is material and second as quantity.