Enhance BuyBot failures to make them more "intelligent"
As we continue to add customers to BuyBot, we're noticing that there are limitations to how BuyBot processes failures. Currently it's all or nothing - either everything is great, and it generates an order or 1 item has an error and the whole order fails.
What would be much more helpful is if the program can recognize each line and highlight failures within the order but process lines which are considered acceptable. So, as an example, if there are 100 lines on an order, 95 lines are accepted, 5 lines are rejected (don't exist in SAP on an info record) then the notification would be:
PO Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 not defined (or whatever item #'s they were on the PO). Sales Order YYYYYY created for PO xxxxxxx.
AdminOlga Rabtsevich (Admin, Corevist) commented
In release 3.14.0 we provided users with 'edit_pdf_orders' permission to edit failed PDF orders. Orders with invalid materials and duplicate PO number placed after 1/9/2024 can be changed and placed by a user with this permission. We assume it will be done by Admins.