Add ability to perform searches with multiple search criteria.
On the search for order and the search for quote page please add the ability to perform searches with multiple search criteria. For example, it would be beneficial if we can perform a search on customer account 123456 and material number 1100-ABCD. Furthermore, once we have the option to select "My Orders/Quotes" I think it would be even more valuable to have this feature.
Attached is a picture to better explain my suggestion.

Stephanie Bertin commented
This similar ask has come from our business users as well. Specifically, the customers item number. To be able to add multi-level would be hugely important to view all open "quotes" by more than 1 item number or quote number.
devario.voltz commented
Please expand Search Criteria filtering options. It would be nice if there was the ability for each "Corevist" customer to add one or two custom filter/search criteria fields that may be specific for their company.
For example, my company would like the ability to filter on Sales Rep accounts (VBPA-PARVW = ‘YR').