Add a Search for open items (or enhance Search for open orders)
Customers are actively asking for a list of open line items.
Search Orders with criteria 'not shiiped' gives back non shipped and partial orders. However, there is no way to see only open items in the list.
The customers have go through all the lines to find which ones are still open and do complain because it is not as user-friendly as they are used too.
Attached a screenshot to demo what could be done:
- enable an option to display line items in order search
- show only open / partial ones
- show item requested qty (and would be great to see also missing qty)
We have released the new Shipments tab that solves the core issue in this request. It was released in 2.6.0 on May 25. Please reach out to your project manager to implement as it requires the latest version of our SAP Add On.